2024 Winter Cup
Eight weeks. It’s wild. It’s fun. It’s a little nutty.
Tuesdays at 10 AM and 11:30.
Saturdays at 10 AM.
Starts the week before Thanksgiving. Ends in early February. Time off for the holidays—and time off to dream about next year’s Spring League Season.
Each week, when you arrive, your Emblem of Esteem—or your name tag is on the table.
Each week, you put your nametag in the “Winter Cup.”
Each week, six teams are randomly drawn from the Cup.
Each week, you play with a fantastic, exciting, talented team of Gallants (noble and honorable participants, often with chivalric spirits).
Round-Robin play.
One team, one Fellowship (a gathering of companions who journey or compete together for a shared goal)—wins the day.
Each player on that winning team gets a “Laurel” for winning the day.
On the Leader Board, the Knight or Dame of Honor of the Winter Cup is the player in the league that has won the most “Laurels” during the season.
Will it be you?
If you’re new, we’d love to have you join our family.
$80 per player.
(Helps cover all costs associated with the operations, maintenance, and landscaping of the courts, and the programming of the bocce leagues.)
Picture this…
The sun is setting on a warm summer night. You’re looking at the mountains to the north — and the chill of ocean air drifts by.
You’re with incredible Palisadians — from 25 to 70 and every age in between.
It’s a party on the best bocce courts in Southern California.
After bocce, you scoot up to Hanks, or Casa Nostra, or somewhere else to celebrate with your fantastic team.
That’s what’s happening every single Tuesday and Thursday nights at in the Sunset League — and it’s been a runaway hit!
There have been 1,000+ Palisadians playing in leagues in the past three years!
Teams from neighborhoods. From the schools in town. From the churches and synagogues. From town organizations and businesses. Palisadians that just signed up and we put on a team.
Here’s what’s amazing. Many of teams started as a group of complete strangers. Now they’re cheering for each other, and going out to eat & drink together after the matches as pals.
No previous bocce experience necessary. You can learn as you go. You’ll be a star in no time. Snappy awards for the winning teams. Lots of other charming little extras along the way.
Palisades Bocce League. Celebrating the best of what it means to be a Palisadian.

Register and Pay Here for the Winter Cup!

Bocce Lessons for Teams & Individuals
Whether you’re beginners interested in learning the basics, or strong players that would love to knock your game up a notch with professional strategies — private and group lessons are now available.
Team Lessons are $175 for one hour. As many players on your team as you’d like.
Individual lessons are $125 an hour (plus $20 for additional persons).
Lessons are offered by USA Certified Bocce Professional Brennan Cassidy on Monday, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
For lessons, please contact Jimmy Dunne to schedule a USA Bocce Professional.
310.529.1400 I [email protected]

Contact Us
With any questions, please reach out to:
Jimmy Dunne
Palisades Bocce Club
Bocce Commissioner
(310) 529.1400
[email protected]
Carlyn Peterson
(310) 699.1200
[email protected]
Frequently Asked Questions
How many players should be on a team?
8-12. This way, you’re likely to have 6 always coming to a given league match.
In a match, anywhere from 4 players to 8 players can play in a given match (maximum of 4 on each side of the court.)
You have to have 4 players for any match.
What happens if I miss a match?
It’s okay. With 8-12 on a team, you can play as often as you’d like. Each week, a team just has to have 4 players! But the more the merrier…
When is the registration period over?
It’s likely you can get on a team even after the season starts.
But if you want to start a team, you need to register at least a few weeks before the start of the season.
What happens if it rains?
If a match is canceled, there will be a ‘make up’ date set.
What is the format of the matches each week?
Each match will be ‘2 out of 3’ games. Tie-breaker if you’re tied one game a piece. Games are to 6 points. Tie-breaker game is to 5 points.
You must have at least 4 players for a match. 2 play on each side. If you have more players than that, they can split up on each side of the court.
If your team isn’t on the court ready to play by 10 minutes after the start time, you forfeit one game. After 20 minutes, you forfeit the match.
You can play with balls that we will provide, or balls that you bring.
What do I bring and wear?
Comfortable clothes. It’s all good. Sneakers are best. For the ladies, you don’t want heels…
Lots of teams have snappy uniforms!
The main thing to bring is a happy attitude! You’re going to have so much fun…